The earliest generations of 00 can remember, it will be about 2004-05, at this time the integration of semiconductors is already very high, and a large number of new technologies have emerged. But electronic products have actually been developed for half a century. Each era has representative brilliant products. Today we will talk about these electronic products that have entered history and are not common today. They Represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship of that era.

Let’s talk about broadcasting first

Nowadays, the scene of listening to the radio is basically only when driving, and there are fewer and fewer old men in the park listening to the radio. I used to listen to traffic reports while driving, but now it’s clear where traffic jams are on the mobile phone map, the line algorithm is mature, the radio seems to be increasingly dispensable, and I listen to more music while driving. But in the era without the Internet, radio and television are the most important means of communication.

Red light brand tube radio, do you have it at home?

It is not early for China to popularize chatterboxes. The old man in the author’s family recalled that when she was going to school in the 1950s and 1960s, the family saved money to buy a red light brand tube radio, which caused a sensation in the class! During the New Year, she would take several classmates to the school to escort her when she opened classes. The kind of sensation and envy is unimaginable for children in today’s material-rich era. I have seen this product when I was a child, but it is no longer used.

Sony, as we know it today, actually started as a radio. As a housekeeping product, Sony’s radio reached its peak in the 1990s. The magic of this V21. is not a powerful radio function, but a thermal printer that can print satellite cloud images of faxes. Because it was equipped with a large LCD screen and used for visual broadcasting, such a configuration was of course not cheap in the late 1980s. At that time, it sold for $6,500! Now the second-hand market costs tens of thousands of yuan. Of course, there are different flagship broadcasts such as Grundig S800 and domestically produced HAM2000, which have become the dream lovers of many broadcast enthusiasts.

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